love is here. love is now

This is a post for me.

Celebrate where you are


Right now

Stop waiting

Until you acquire or become everything

Media says you need to have or be.

You are made perfectly, for this very moment by God.

Celebrate today.

Celebrate .



Stop waiting for thinner

For enough

For a vacation to that place you’ve never been

For a clean house

For less pain

For the week after that.

Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone, nor the week after that.

Stop waiting for peace & quiet

For a day off

Or half off or a dance off.

What you are doing today is what you were meant to do

Right now

With joy, with happy, with love

Before and After

On December 10th 2008,
Lucas and I bought our first home
one of my biggest “before and afters”
ex. “before we lived here, after we moved in”.
In my before/after stories, some of those big ones include
before I knew Santa wasn’t real,
after I fell off my new bike,
before I discovered my love for poetry.
after my mom gave me a paint brush
before I realized who the bullies were,
after I had a best friend, and another
before my dad took me fishing
after I tried eating fish (yuck)
before the internet & cell phones & blogging
after I got my minor,
before I graduated high school
after my first car accident
before I choose my major, and then chose it again
after I worked at summer camp & residential life
before I owned a camera
after I owned my own business
before I fell in love
after he fell in love with me
before she made me a mommy
after my son was born
before December 10th 2014
after December 10th 2014
before I knew what grief does to people
and after my mom passed away.